Avtor/Urednik | Cerar, Vanda; Bregar, Branko | |
Naslov | Ocena odnosa medicinskih sester do pacienta v forenzični psihiatriji | |
Prevedeni naslov | Assessing nurses' attitudes towards patients in forensic psychiatry | |
Tip | članek | |
Vol. in št. | Letnik 54, št. 2 | |
Leto izdaje | 2020 | |
Obseg | str. 122-132 | |
ISSN | 1318-2951 - Obzornik zdravstvene nege : strokovno glasilo Zveze društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije | |
Jezik | slv | |
Abstrakt | Uvod: Forenzična psihiatrija obravnava ranljivo skupino pacientov. Paciente zaznamuje %več stigmatizirana identiteta%, ki vključuje stigmatiziranje duševne motnje, po drugi strani pa tudi stigmatiziranje kriminalnega dejanja, ki ga je oseba storila. Namen raziskave je bil raziskati poznavanje in odnos zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi do pacienta v forenzični psihiatriji. Metode: Izvedli smo opisno neeksperimentalno kvantitativno raziskavo. Vprašalnik je bil razdeljen priložnostnemu vzorcu 320 zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi na področju psihiatrije in izven psihiatrične stroke, realizacija je bila 74,4 % (n = 238). Rezultati: Anketiranci so obravnavo na področju forenzične psihiatrije poznali povprečno (x = 3,04, s = 1,17). Zaposleni izven psihiatrije (n = 55, = 5,72, s = 2,57) so izražali bolj odklonilen odnos (U = 838,50, p < 0,001) kot zaposleni v psihiatriji (n = 66, x = 7,53, s = 2,17), prepoznavali več negativnih značilnosti pacienta (U = 115,000, p = 0,043) in izražali več stigme (U = 1218,000, p = 0,002). Diskusija in zaključek: Zaposlene na področju psihiatrije je manj strah, gojijo manj stigme in bolj poznajo področje forenzične psihiatrije. Ker so poznavanje, strah in prisotna stigma povezani s kakovostjo zdravstvene obravnave, je treba zaposlene usposobiti za delo z ranljivimi skupinami prebivalstva, kot so pacienti v forenzični psihiatriji. Tako lahko nudijo bolj kakovostno zdravstveno obravnavo.Introduction: In order to deal with the changed roles successfully, confidently and effectively, and to be able to ensure appropriate assistance to those affected during the state of emergency, nurses should be properly trained and prepared. The purpose of the study was to translate, adapt, and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Disaster Nursing Core Competencies Scale (DNCC-Scale). Methods: A quantitative methodological research design was used. The scale was tested on a convenience sample of 118 nurses. In addition to content compliance, internal consistency, stability and correlation of variables and factor structure were also evaluated in the three-phase process of adaptation and validation. Results: Factor analysis provided a three-factor model with the first factor Core Competencies of Nurses in Emergencies explaining 36.53% of the total variance. The results also show a very high correlation between factors (p < 0.001) and high reliability of the overall scale (Cronbach % = 0.937). Discussion and conclusion: The results have confirmed that the Slovenian version of the DNCC-Scale is a valid and reliable measuring instrument. In the absence of appropriate measurement instruments, it enables an identification of the core competencies of nurses in disaster management and some other circumstances of their roles. The findings also suggest the need for the implementation of some changes in nursing study programs and for more focused studies on those groups in nursing who are expected to encounter disaster events more frequently. | |
Proste vsebinske oznake | zdravstvena nega medosebni odnosi ukrepi zdravljenja duševne motnje psihiatrija interpersonal relationship treatment measures psychiatry mental disorder |