Author/Editor     Janež, Jurij
Title     A surgical techniques for providing peritoneal dialysis access at the University Medical Center Ljubljana
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 1, št. 1
Publication year     2019
Volume     str. 27-30
ISSN     2591-2275
Language     eng
Abstract     Background. Dialysis is becoming more common as the number of patients with end-stage renal disease increases. Two main modalities of dialysis are hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis has been used as a major renal replacement therapy since the early 1980s. Methods. This article presents a brief review of current peritoneal dialysis catheter placement techniques, such as the open surgical technique, peritoneoscopic technique, blind percutaneous technique, and laparoscopic technique. Peritoneal dialysis has several advantages over hemodialysis, such as increased patient mobility, fewer dietary restrictions, improved preservation of residual kidney function, and no required systemic anticoagulation. An important aspect for successful peritoneal dialysis is to provide quality peritoneal dialysis access. Conclusion. At our institution, laparoscopic insertion of a peritoneal dialysis catheter has become a standard method for providing peritoneal dialysis access in adults.
Keywords     end-stage renal disease
peritoneal dialysis
peritoneal dialysis catheter insertion
abdominal surgery