Author/Editor     Voljč, Božidar
Title     Stališče Komisije za medicinsko etiko Republike Slovenije o odločanju zdravnikov glede vključevanja respiratorjev v zdravljenje hudo prizadetih bolnikov zaradi covid-19
Translated title     The position of the Slovenian National Medical Ethics Committee about doctors' decisions on respirators usage in the treatment of patients heavily affected with COVID-19
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 89, št. 11/12
Publication year     2020
Volume     str. 648-649
ISSN     1318-0347 - Zdravniški vestnik : glasilo Slovenskega zdravniškega društva : Slovenian medical journal
Language     slv
Abstract     The prognosis of the patient's condition and their will should be taken into account when including respirators in the treatment of COVID-19. Health personnel should be adequately protected.
Keywords     zdravstveno stanje
terminalna bolezen
respiratorna pomoč
health status
terminal illness
respiratory support