Author/Editor     Fowler, CJ
Title     Disorders of bladder function in multiple sclerosis and their management
Type     članek
Source     In: Vodušek DB, editor. Proceedings of the Symposium on multiple sclerosis with the 11th dr. Janez Faganel memorial lecture; 1995 Oct 6-7; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: University institute of clinical neurophysiology,
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 114-26
Language     eng
Abstract     Bladder dysfunction in MS is the result of spinal cord involvement. It is therefore common and occurs in patients with a paraparesis. Both the functions which the bladder performs in health become impaired so that it neither stores urine nor empties normally. The symptoms of bladder dysfunction in MS mostly reflect detrusor hyperreflexia which causes the failure of storage but if there is also incomplete bladder emptying (of which patients are often unaware) this will significantly contribute to poor bladder control. Management is aimed at improving bladder emptying if necessary and treating hyperreflexia with anticholinergic like medication. Other measures exist if this first line treatment is not successful and intravesical oxybutynin and possibly intravesical capsaicin should be considered as well as the use of desmopressin nasal spray. With progression of the disease and increasing immobility simple measures become less effective and a long term indwelling catheter may be indicated. Bladder symptoms are amongst the disabilities produced by MS which are most readily treatable and neurologists should understand the underlying pathophysiology of the problem and the principles of management.