Avtor/Urednik     Gagelmann, Nico; Eikema, Diderik-Jan; Wreede, Liesbeth C. de; Rambaldi, Alessandro; Iacobelli, Simona; Koster, Linda; Rambaldi, Alessandro; Caillot, Denis; Blaise, Didier; Remémyi, Péter; Zver, Samo
Naslov     Upfront stem cell transplantation for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma with del(17p) and t(4;14)
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 56, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2021
ISSN     0268-3369 - Bone marrow transplantation
Jezik     eng
Proste vsebinske oznake     multiple myeloma patients
stem cell transplantation