Author/Editor     Macura, Miloš; Ban, Helena; Cankar, Ksenija; Finžgar, Miha; Frangež, Igor
Title     The effect of transcutaneous application of gaseous CO2 on diabetic chronic wound healing
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 17, št. 6
Publication year     2020
Volume     str. 1607-1614
ISSN     1742-4801 - International wound journal
Language     eng
Abstract     Chronic wounds in diabetics are difficult to treat, therefore, adjuvant therapies have been investigated. Bathing in CO2 -rich water (spa therapy) has been known in Europe for decades for its positive effect on peripheral vascular disorders. Recently, much effort has been invested in developing optimal application methods of CO2 . Uses include subcutaneous injections of CO2 , bathing in CO2 -enriched water, and transcutaneous application of CO2 . To verify the effect of transcutaneous application of gaseous CO2 on the healing of chronic diabetic wounds, a randomized double-blind clinical research was designed. The research included 30 and 27 wounds in the study and control groups, respectively. In addition to standard treatment, patients in the study group received 20 therapies with medical-grade CO2 gas and the control group received the same treatment with air. Results showed significantly faster healing in the study group: 20 of the 30 wounds in the study group were healed compared with none in the control group. Mean wound surface and volume in the study group was reduced significantly (surface: 96%, P = .001, volume: 99%, P = .003) compared with a small reduction in the control group (surface: 25%, P = .383, volume: 27%, P = .178). Considering our results, transcutaneous application of gaseous CO2 is an effective adjuvant therapy in diabetic chronic wound treatment.
Keywords     zdravljenje s CO2
kronične rane
diabetične kronične rane
CO2 therapy
chronic wound
diabetic chronic wound