Avtor/Urednik     Jarc, S
Naslov     Zdravstveno zavarovanje v Republiki Sloveniji
Prevedeni naslov     Health insurance in the Republic of Slovenia
Tip     članek
Vir     Bilt Ekon Org Inf Zdrav
Vol. in št.     Letnik 12, št. Suppl 1
Leto izdaje     1996
Obseg     str. 31-5
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Development of health insurance in Slovenia, trends of health insurance in the world, problems of health insurance systems and characteristics of health insurance in Slovenia are described. In February 1992 new Law on Health Insurance has been passed in the Republic Slovenia. Its aims were: distribution of responsibility for health among the individuals and the community; omission of the system of "national health care"; introduction of compulsory and voluntary health insurance; establishment of the Institute for Health Insurance of Slovenia as a public institution and the only one entitled for the implementing of compulsory health insurance with an additional liability for implementing also voluntary health insurance for coinsurance amounts under compulsory insurance; introduction of private health sector; and a partner approach towards the forming of the extent and contents of health services programme. All citizens of Slovenia are liable to be covered by compulsory national health insurance system. Law defines the extent of compulsory health system by defining which part of services and rights on the domain of health care will be provided to the individual by the compulsory health insurance and which will have to be covered by individuals themseleves either by their own means or by partly voluntary insurance. The share of copayments has been increasing yearly. In Slovenia, the introduction of voluntary health insurance has presented a complete innovation. There were doubts: socially weaker classes will be at risk, unlimited realization of demands for health service will be possible. Already in the first year, 1,3 million of people were covered by voluntary insurance. The first year of implementing showed that these doubts were meaningless. Besides the Institute for Health Insurance, also other insurance companies can introduce voluntary insurance for coinsurance payments, but are liable to insure all the insured person who wish to be insured (Truncated)
Deskriptorji     INSURANCE, HEALTH