Author/Editor     Svenšek, R
Title     Analitična primerjava sistemov zdravstvenega varstva v Evropi
Translated title     Analytical comparison of health care system in Europe
Type     članek
Source     Bilt Ekon Org Inf Zdrav
Vol. and No.     Letnik 12, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 41-50
Language     slo
Abstract     There are various health care and insurance systems in Europe and alsewhere in the world. Three different system models prevail: nationally managed models, partnership models and market oriented models. In Europe national and partnership models prevail, while market oriented model is significant for USA. In Europe models are named according to their authors: - Bismarck's partnership-insurance model, - Beveridge's national managed model, named also National Health Service and - Semaška's model of socialistic health care system. These systems differ among themselves according to legal, economic and organizational system. The investments in the domain of population health care and the ways of financing the providers of health services also differ regarding the economic power of individual countries. Owing to the differences in emphasizing the influence of individual factors on health, the health care systems have also different contents. Today, health care systems are mostly studied regarding: - role and presence of the state and other factors at functioning, managing and financing, - role and status of the providers in the system. Considering these basic questions their further analysis gives the possibility of a series of various models which in mutual intertwining present various and in each country specific health care systems. There are many different health care financial systems in the world. Among the best known are: - fee-for-service sistem; - capitation; - payment for case, diagnosis (DRG); - payment according to the programme for defined period (flat rate). Which of these health care payment systems an individual state will choose depends primarily on its aims on the domain of health activities and on what it intends to stimulate or slowdown. In states where the demand for limiting or even diminishing the means for health care is very strong, the system of payment for programme (flat rate) resp. capitation is in use. (Truncated)