Avtor/Urednik     Zorčič, P
Naslov     Reorganizacija Bolnišnice Brežice
Prevedeni naslov     Reorganization of General hospital in Brežice
Tip     članek
Vir     Bilt Ekon Org Inf Zdrav
Vol. in št.     Letnik 12, št. Suppl 1
Leto izdaje     1996
Obseg     str. 59-63
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Analysed are the present organization of general hospital in the town of Brežice and factors influencing its professional work and economic operations. Considering the good and the bad sides of a small general hospital (being with 152 hospital beds the smallest in the country) and the aim for a higher business effectiveness of the facility, author proposes the change of professional organization of hospital departments. Instead of the classic department division according to the exclusively professional principle (surgical, internal etc.), he proposes the division according to the emergency degree resp. according to the care intensiveness (with the exception of women in labor and children). The level of necessary health for emergency patients becomes ligher and the time of diagnosing and/or treating is shorter. Thus, the number of on duty team and consequential working obligation (primarily of physicians) can be reduced, and time, place and motivation of specialized staff for programmes which could increase the hospital lincomes can be obtained. Author predicts also a decrease of material expenditures owing to the establishment of a uniform, surveyable doctrine of diagnosing and treatment of the most serious patients.
Izvleček     V elaboratu analiziram obstoječo organizacijo bolnišnice Brežice in dejavnike, ki vplivajo na njeno strokovnodelo in ekonomsko poslovanje. Zavedajoč se dobrih in slabih strani majhne splošne bolnišnice (s 152 posteljami smo najmanjši v državi) in cilja, ki dviga poslovno uspešnost zavoda, predlagam spremembo strokovne organizacije bolniških oddelkov. Namesto klasične delitve oddelkov po izključno strokovnem načelu (kirurški, interni itd.) predvidevam delitev po stopnji nujnosti oziroma po intenziteti oskrbe (razen za porodnice in otroke). Raven potrebnih zdravstvenih storitev urgentnim bolnikom se ob takšni organizaciji zviša, skrajša se tudi čas diagnosticiranja in/ali zdravljenja. Ob tem se lahko zmanjša število dežurnih ekip in delovna obveznost (predvsem zdravnikov) iz naslova dežurstev ter ustvari čas, prostor in motivacija specializiranega kadra za programe, ki lahko povečujejo dohodek bolnišnice. Napovedujem tudi znižanje materialnih stroškov zaradi vzpostavitve enotne pregledne doktrine diagnosticiranja in zdravljenja najtežjih bolnikov.
Deskriptorji     HOSPITALS, GENERAL