Author/Editor     Peters, Anne L.; Piletič, Milivoj; Ejstrud, Johan; Salvesen-Sykes, Karen; Snyder, James W.; Bowering, Keith
Title     Baseline nocturnal glucose change: a predictor of the treatment effect of bolus intensification in insulin-treated type 2 diabetes
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 21, št. 7
Publication year     2019
Volume     str. 1752-1756
ISSN     1462-8902 - Diabetes, obesity and metabolism
Language     eng
Descriptors     Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
Clinical Trials As Topic
Randomized Controlled Trials As Topic
Sladkorna bolezen
Sladkorna bolezen, tip 2
Klinični poskusi
Naključni kontrolirani poskusi
Keywords     diabetes
diabetes type 2
insulin therapy
clinical trial
sladkorna bolezen
sladkorna bolezen tip 2
zdravljenje z inzulinom
klinični poskusi