Author/Editor     Rudel, D; Premik, M; Hojnik-Zupanc, I; Kogovšek, M; Ličer, N
Title     Mreža pomoči na domu v Sloveniji zasnovana na telekomunikacijskih informacijsko-koordinacijskih centrih
Translated title     Caring network based on community social alarm centres in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     Inform Med Slov Print ed
Vol. and No.     , št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 227-34
Language     slo
Abstract     A caring netwoork of home services is an alternative to an institutional care for elderly, seck and handicapped people preferred in the previous political system. The network co-ordination, its efficiency and quality can be significantly improve when introducing community social alarms. According to long-term experiences in some developed European countries this has had multifold positive effects on the society as well as home-based care users. Promising results have encouraged the implementation of such system in Slovenia. In Ljubljana the first local community social alarm centre was established in 1992. So called lifeline project has been initiated to cover the entire Slovenia with 15 regional community alarm centres having up to 30.000 client connected in the year 2000. The project has been coordinated by the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs. The initial investment burden (3.25 million DEM) is to be shared between governmental (49%) and local (51%) authorities. The government should provide telecommunication infrastructure, but the local authorities and formal service providers should establish local conditions for its implementation. The project has been seeking its legitimacy as a govermental project.