Author/Editor     Adam, Jonathan; Brandmaier, Stefan; Troll, Martina; Rotter, Markus; Mohney, Robert P.; Heier, Margit; Adamski, Jerzy; Li, Yixue; Neschen, Susanne; Kastenmüller, Gabi
Title     Response to Comment on Adam et al. Metformin Effect on Nontargeted Metabolite Profiles in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and in Multiple Murine Tissues. Diabetes 2016;65:3776-3785
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 66, št. 5
Publication year     2017
Volume     str. e3-e4
ISSN     0012-1797 - Diabetes
Language     eng
Keywords     type 2 diabetes
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
insulin resistance
sladkorna bolezen tip 2
nealkoholna maščobna bolezen jeter
odpornost na inzulin