Avtor/Urednik     Dragin Jerman, Urška; Višnjar, Tanja; Hafner Bratkovič, Iva; Resnik, Nataša; Pavlin, Mojca; Veranič, Peter; Erdani-Kreft, Mateja
Naslov     Attachment of cancer urothelial cells to the bladder epithelium occurs on uroplakin-negative cells and is mediated by desmosomal and not by classical cadherins
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 22, št. 11
Leto izdaje     2021
Obseg     str. 1-18
ISSN     1422-0067 - International journal of molecular sciences
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Urinary bladder cancer is often multifocal; however, the intraluminal dissemination of the urothelial cancer cells is poorly understood. The involvement of N-cadherin in the adhesion of the cancer urothelial cells to the urothelium had not previously been studied. Therefore, we herein explore the possibility of the intraluminal dissemination of the urothelial cancer cells by evaluating the role of classical cadherins in the adhesion of urothelial cancer cells to the urothelium. We used E-cadherin negative T24 cells and established a T24 Ncadlow cell line with an additionally decreased expression of N-cadherin in the plasma membrane and a decreased secretion of proform of metalloproteinase 2. The labelled T24 and T24 Ncadlow cells were seeded onto urothelial in vitro models. After 24 h in co-culture, unattached cancer cells were rinsed and urothelia with attached cancer urothelial cells were processed for fluorescence and electron microscopy. Both the T24 and T24 Ncadlow cells attached to the urothelium, yet only to the uroplakin-negative urothelial cells. The ultrastructural analysis showed that T24 and T24 Ncadlow cells adhere to poorly differentiated urothelial cells by desmosomes. To achieve this, they first disrupt tight junctions of superficial urothelial cells. This study indicates that the lack of E-cadherin expression and decreased expression of N-cadherin in the plasma membrane of T24 cells does not interfere with their adhesion to the urothelium; therefore, our results suggest that intraluminal dissemination of cancer urothelial cells along the urothelium occurs on uroplakin-negative cells and is desmosome-mediated.
Proste vsebinske oznake     rak mehurja
urotelijski in vitro modeli
elektronska mikroskopija
bladder cancer
urothelial in vitro models
electron microscopy