Author/Editor     Mihevc, Špela; Križaj, Tanja; Petek Šter, Marija
Title     Izkušnje zaposlenih z uporabo metode montessori pri delu s starejšimi in osebami z demenco v domu starejših občanov
Translated title     Experiences of caregivers with the use of the Montessori Method in working with the elderly and people with dementia in a care home
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 55, št. 2
Publication year     2021
Volume     str. 102-112
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik zdravstvene nege : strokovno glasilo Zveze društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Pristop, usmerjen k uporabniku, prispeva h kakovosti življenja starejših in oseb z demenco v domu starejših občanov ter k dobremu počutju zaposlenih na delovnem mestu. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti izkušnje zaposlenih v domu starejših občanov z uporabo metode montessori pri delu s starejšimi in osebami z demenco. Metode: Narejena je bila študija primera v domu starejših občanov, kjer uporabljajo metodo montessori. Delno strukturirani intervjuji so bili izvedeni z enajstimi zaposlenimi v enem izmed domov za starejše občane v Sloveniji. Za analizo podatkov je bila uporabljena metoda analize vsebine. Rezultati: Identificirane so bile štiri kategorije: (1) vsebinski in organizacijski vidiki metode montessori pri obravnavi starejših in oseb z demenco; (2) sodelovanje med zaposlenimi, stanovalci in svojci; (3) osebni razvoj zaposlenih; (4) pomen izobraževanja za zaposlene. Raziskava pri izkušnjah zaposlenih v obravnavi starejših in oseb z demenco pokaže preplet vseh kategorij. Diskusija in zaključek: Ugotovitve prispevajo novo znanje na področju uporabe metode montessori v domovih za starejše občane. Izkušnje zaposlenih so pokazale, da uporaba metode montessori pripomore k boljšemu razumevanju pomena sodelovanja, izobraževanja ter s tem povezanega osebnega razvoja zaposlenih. V praksi je priporočeno sistematično uvajati metodo montessori za starejše in osebe z demenco s poudarkom na izobraževanju, ki je nujna podlaga za praktično delo. Predlagamo nadaljnje raziskovanje izkušenj zaposlenih ter iskanje možnosti za uvajanje metode tudi v druge domove starejših občanov.Introduction: A client-centered approach contributes to a higher quality of life of the elderly and people with dementia in care homes, and to the well-being of caregivers in the workplace. The aim of the study was to explore the experiences of caregivers working with the elderly and people with dementia with the Montessori care homes Methods: A case study was conducted in a care home where the Montessori Method is used. Data were obtained with face-to-face semi-structured interviews with eleven employees. Content analysis was used for data analysis. Results: Four categories were identified: (1) the substantive and organizational aspects of the Montessori Method in the treatment of the elderly and persons with dementia; (2) cooperation between employees, residents and relatives; (3) employees' personal development; (4) significance of education for adults. The results have revealed a link between all the categories regarding the experiences of caregivers in the treatment of the elderly and people with dementia. Discussion and conclusion: The results of the case study contribute new knowledge about the application of the Montessori Method in care homes. Caregivers' experiences have revealed that the use of the Montessori Method contributes to a better understanding of the importance of cooperation and education, and consequently also caregivers' personal development. In practice, a systematic implementation of the Montessori Method in the work with the elderly and people with dementia with an emphasis on education that is the basis of practical work, is recommended. Further research of the experiences of caregivers should be conducted and the search for the possibilities of the implementation of the Method in other care homes should be undertaken.
Keywords     zdravstvena nega
kvalitativna metoda
pristop, usmerjen k uporabniku
qualitative method
client-centered approach