Author/Editor     Schara, K
Title     Vpliv periferne arterijske bolezni in periferne nevropatije na uspešnost rekonstrukcije "diabetične noge"
Type     monografija
Place     Ljubljana
Publisher     Medicinska fakulteta
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 51
Language     slo
Abstract     In our study we included 20 male and female patients with diabetes type 1 or 2 and a chronic, non-healing foot or leg ulcer that did not respond to conservative treatment. We assume that using plastic surgical methods in appropriately selected patients enables coverage and encreases healing of the wound. Te goal of reconstruction in this high risk group of patients is to provide for the maintenance of bipedal ambulation and to limit the amputation rate. Peripheral neuropathy and vascular disease are the two major contributory factors in the etiology of diabetic ulceration. We suppose that reconstruction success rate depends on the degree of peripheral vascular disease and neuropathy. Thorough evaluation of both factors was perfomed before reconstruction. Peripheral arterial disease was assessed by perfusion pressure measurements, arteriography and microangiopathy by transcutaneus oxygen tension measurement. The presence or absence of peripheral neuropathy was assessed on the basis of motor and sensory conduction velocities, sympathetic skin response, thermal and vibration sensitivities. In patients with peripheral occlusive disease angioplasty improved lower extremity circulation. In cases where dilatation was not performed reconstruction failed. Therefore it is necessary to provide information about the sites of occlusion that can be treated with simple revascularisation procedures. Microangiopathy was present in all our patients and we found out that differences between the successful and unsuccessful results are statisticaly significant. We suggest that the degree of mic rocirculatory disease should be evaluated. Peripheral neuropathy was proved in all our patients. Results show high success rate of the reconstruction despite the presence of diabetic polyneuropathy. Therefore we currently believe that it has no significant influence on the reconstruction.(trunc.)
Descriptors     DIABETIC FOOT