Author/Editor     Brejc, T
Title     Sindrom prizadetosti: nekatere psihološke opombe in možnosti rehabilitacijskega vplivanja
Type     članek
Source     Psihološka obzorja
Vol. and No.     Letnik 2, št. 3-4
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 83-9
Language     slo
Abstract     The disability syndrome, being in rehabilitation one of the most resistant behaviour and emotional disturbances of workers with functional limitations, represents a specific challenge for psychological assessment and counselling. It is characterized by the regresive emotional and cognitive response to the conflict between inner perception of the impact of the worker's disability and outer expectations that his/her return to work is obvious, subjectively expirienced as insoluble. The worker is in this conflict consiously and unconsiously led by the behaviour strategy including the attempt to compensate the decline of functional capacities, the justification of his/her attitude, and the rejection of further rehabilitation efforts. Some of the possible explanations of this syndrome are given, and some questions raised related to the role of worker's personal characteristic, to the impact of actual stress, of the specific life stage, and of his/her social and economic status as well as to the psychological approach. This questions are given some answers, and the syndrome treatment suggestions are presented, emphesising the need for the use of a combined cognitive-behavioural and action approach.