Author/Editor     Podkrajšek, Damjana
Title     Vloga zdravnika v promociji zdravja
Translated title     The physician's role in health promotion
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 65, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. I-9-10
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. In health promotion, the physican can participate as adviser of healthy life-style, as lecturer of information on health problems, as initiator and projector of health shemes. Other possible roles of a physician are those as coordinator and evaluator of the health project. A physician can perform the mentioned roles, if the university study gave him the relevant knowledge of health promotion, and if this activity were respected and adequately paid. Conclusions. In this article, there is presented a set of exercises in social medicine for students of medicine which reinforce the role of a future physician as lecturer and adviser.
Summary     Izhodišča. Zdravnik lahko v promociji zdravja sodeluje kot svetovalec bolj zdravega načina življenja, kot izobraževalec, zbiralec informacij o problemih v zvezi z zdravjem in boleznijo, kot pobudnik ter načrtovalec projektov zdravja. Možna je tudi njegova vloga povezovalca ter merilca uspešnosti. Naštete vloge bi lahko izvajal, če bi mu proces izobraževanja nudil znanje s področja pospeševanja zdravja in če bi bilo to delo ustrezno ovrednoteno. Zaključki. V članku je prikazana vsebina vaj iz socialne medicine za študente medicine, ki krepi izobraževalno ter svetovalno vlogo bodočega zdravnika.
Descriptors     HEALTH PROMOTION