Author/Editor | Zernec, Sara; Šuc, Lea; Groleger Sršen, Katja | |
Title | Ocena ustreznosti normativnih podatkov za test škatle in kock za vzorec otrok v Sloveniji | |
Translated title | Evaluation of the norm scores of the box and blocks test for a sample of children in Slovenia | |
Type | članek | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 20, št. 2 | |
Publication year | 2021 | |
Volume | str. 36-42 | |
ISSN | 1580-9315 - Rehabilitacija | |
Language | slv | |
Abstract | Izhodišče: Test škatle in kock je standardiziran test za ocenjevanje funkcijskih sposobnosti zgornjega uda. Testni material vključuje škatlo, ki je razdeljena na dve polovici, in 150 lesenih kock različnih barv. Preiskovanec poskuša v eni minuti iz ene polovice škatle v drugo prenesti čim več kock. Namen raziskave je bil preveriti normativne podatke za Test škatle in kock pri zdravih otrocih v Sloveniji in jih primerjati z rezultati nizozemske študije. Metode dela: Vključili smo trideset zdravih otrok, petnajst deklic in petnajst dečkov, starih od šest do sedem let. Pri vseh otrocih je bila dominantna roka desna. Dosežke smo primerjali z normativnimi vrednostmi, ki so jih za test izdelali na Nizozemskem. Rezultati: Deklice so z desnico v povprečju prenesle 38,9 kocke, z levico pa 37,6 kocke. Dečki so z desnico v povprečju prenesli 43 kock, z levico pa 42,4 kocke. Skupno povprečno število kock pri deklicah in dečkih za desno roko je bilo 40,9 kocke, za levo roko pa 40 kock. Povprečno število prenesenih kock slovenskih otrok v starostni skupini od šest do sedem let je bilo statistično značilno nižje kot je pri otrocih iste starosti v nizozemski raziskavi, tudi po popravku dosežkov za dominantno roko. Zaključek: Glede na ugotovljene razlike v dosežkih med nizozemskimi normativi in slovenskim vzorcem otrok menimo, da bi morali testiranje s Testom škatle in kock ponoviti pri večjem vzorcu otrok, v vseh starostnih skupinah in za slovensko populacijo otrok morebiti izdelati lastne normative.Introduction: The Box and Block Test is a validated instrument for evaluation of gross manual dexterity and coordination. The test material consists of a wooden box with 150 wooden cubes of different colors. The goal of the test for a participant is to transfer as many cubes as possible, one at a time, from one compartment to the other, in the time one minute. The purpose of the study was to evaluate if the normative scores of the Box and block test from the Netherlands could be used also for children in Slovenia. Methods: The study included 30 healthy children (15 girls and 15 boys), from six to seven years of age. All of the participants were right-handed. Their scores on the Box and Block Test were compared to normative scores from the Netherlands. Results: On average, girls transferred 38.9 cubes with their right hand and 37.6 cubes with their left hand. Boys transferred 43 cubes with their right hand and 42.4 cubes with their left hand. On average, the children in the pooled sample transferred 40.9 cubes with their right hand and 40 cubes with their left hand, which is statistically significantly fewer than in the comparable group of children from the Netherlands, even after correcting the scores for dominant hand. Conclusion: These results bring us to the conclusion that we need to repeat the evaluation with the Box and Block Test in a larger group of children, within all age groups and perhaps develop our own norms for the test. | |
Descriptors | Child Upper Extremity | |
Keywords | roka ocenjevanje otrok Test škatle in kock hand assessment child Box and Blocks test |