Avtor/Urednik     Vekić, Jelena; Zeljković, Aleksandra; Bogavac-Stanojević, Nataša; Ilias, Ioannis; Silva-Nunes, José; Pantea Stoian, Anca; Janež, Andrej; Rizzo, Manfredi
Naslov     Novel pharmaceutical and nutraceutical-based approaches for cardiovascular diseases prevention targeting atherogenic small dense LDL
Tip     članek
Leto izdaje     2022
Obseg     str. str.
ISSN     1999-4923 - Pharmaceutics
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Compelling evidence supports the causative link between increased levels of low-density lip-oprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD) development. For that reason, the principal aim of primary and secondary cardiovascular prevention is to reach and sustain recommended LDL-C goals. Although there is a considerable body of evidence that shows that lowering LDL-C levels is directly associated with CVD risk reduction, recent da-ta shows that the majority of patients across Europe cannot achieve their LDL-C targets. In at-tempting to address this matter, a new overarching concept of a lipid-lowering approach, com-prising of even more intensive, much earlier and longer intervention to reduce LDL-C level, was recently proposed for high-risk patients. Another important concern is the residual risk for re-current cardiovascular events despite optimal LDL-C reduction, suggesting that novel lipid bi-omarkers should also be considered as potential therapeutic targets. Among them, small dense LDL particles (sdLDL) seem to have the most significant potential for therapeutic modulation. This paper discusses the potential of traditional and emerging lipid-lowering approaches for cardiovascular prevention by targeting sdLDL particles.
Proste vsebinske oznake     lipidi