Avtor/Urednik     Hočevar, Alojzija; Tomšič, Matija; Rotar, Žiga
Naslov     Predictors of arthritis, gastrointestinal and renal involvement in adult IgA vasculitis
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Autoimmunity, autoinflammation and immunodeficiency in vasculitis : abstracts of the 20th International Vasculitis & ANCA Workshop, Dublin, Ireland 3 - 6 April 2022 [S. l. : s. n.
Leto izdaje     2022
Obseg     str. 363-364
Jezik     eng
Proste vsebinske oznake     IgA vasculitis
prizadetosti prebavil in ledvic
vaskulitis IgA
gastrointestinal and renal involvement