Author/Editor     Sajovic, Jakob; Setnikar Lesjak, Anina; Eberlinc, Andreja; Primožič, Jasmina; Drevenšek, Eva; Drevenšek, Martina
Title     Maxillary arch dimensions, occlusion assessment and space conditions in patients with cleft palate in the period of deciduous dentition - a retrospective study
Type     članek
Publication year     2022
Volume     str. str.
ISSN     2468-7855
Language     eng
Abstract     Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the maxillary arch dimensions, dentoalveolar relationships and spacing conditions in patients with cleft palate in comparison with the control group. Methods The subjects consisted of 31 children with cleft palate only (CP) aged 5.5 ± 0.51 (20 with a cleft of hard and soft palate (SHPC group) and 11 with a cleft of soft palate only (SHP group)). In the control group 30 subjects had a normal occlusion at age 5. Maxillary arch dimensions, dentoalveolar relationship according to the Huddard Bodenham index (HBI) and space conditions were compared with the control group. Results In all variables of maxillary arch dimensions except for total arch height the control group exhibited greater values. Most of the significant differences were on account of differences between the control and the SHPC group, with only three comparisons yielding significant results when comparing the two groups of children with clefts (SHPC vs SPC, IV-IV central: pDunnett T3= 0.0002, 95%CIDifference=-9.9-(-3.18); V-V distopalatal cusps: pDunnett T3= 0.0002, 95%CIDifference=-9.97-(-3.17); Total arch length: pDunnett T3= 0.0014, 95%CIDifference=1.74-7.85). The three groups differed significantly in anterior HBI only (HKruskal-Wallis=15.56, p=0.0067). The spacing conditions in both jaws were also shown to be significantly dependent on the group of subjects studied (Upper jaw: χ2omnibus= 16.79, p=0.0018; lower jaw: χ2omnibus= 13.75, p=0.0102). Conclusions The growth of the upper dental arch at the age of five is impeded in participants with CP in comparison to a control group. It is important to assess the effect of cleft subtypes on growth and development to get a better understanding.
Keywords     cleft palate
maxillary arch dimensions
Huddard Bodenham index
razcepljeno nebo
dimenzije maksilarnega loka
Huddardov Bodenhamov indeks