Author/Editor     Matjašič, Alenka
Title     Diagnostic reference levels in dental radiology
Translated title     Diagnostične referenčne ravni v dentalni radiologiji
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 2
Publication year     2021
Volume     str. 22-29
ISSN     2712-2492
Language     eng
Abstract     Purpose: The purpose of this work is to explore which studies have been performed in the field of diagnostic reference levels in dental radiology and to determine which areas have not been covered yet and require further scientific studies. Materials and methods: We performed a systematic review by using databases Science Direct, PubMed, CINAHL (via EBSCOhost) and Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source (via EBSCOhost), following the study design guidelines of the Cochrane network. Results: 13 scientific articles regarding dose reference levels in dental radiology have been reviewed. We used full access articles, published between 2001 and 2021, and included reviews as well as original research articles. We analysed the articles and presented them by author, year of publishment, country of origin, technology (digital radiography, computed radiography, film-screen), radiography type (intraoral, panoramic, CBCT), units of measurement and main conclusions for each study. Conclusion: Most EU countries have not established national DRLs for dental radiology yet. Most studies establish or revise DRLs on a national level, compare them to guidelines from literature and from similar studies performed in other countries. Most of those studies observed DRLs in adult population. DRLs should be established in the field of CBCT dental imaging as well, since the use of this technology is growing rapidly, and its dose values are incomparably higher than those in general dental radiography.
Keywords     dental radiography
diagnostic reference levels
intraoral imaging
dentalna radiografija
diagnostične referenčne ravni
intraoralno slikanje