Author/Editor | Bečaj, J | |
Title | Socialna realnost, socialne predstave, socialni konstrukcionizem - v čem je razlika med njimi? | |
Translated title | Social reality, social concepts, social constructionism and the difference between them | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Anthropos | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 27, št. 5-6 | |
Publication year | 1995 | |
Volume | str. 5-28 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | Social concepts and social constructionism, which are typical phenomena in modern social psychology, both resemble the classical notion of social reality. A question arises as to the difference between the three phenomena. An analysis shows that they possess several attributes in common, all bein super-personal, relatively stable, socially structured and dependent on social interaction. Although some differences can be found in their functions, these are rather unclear and variegated, ranging from the simplification of the over-complicated environment to the structuring of the environment and the reduction of anxiousness. An analysis based on Piaget's model of the relationship between organic regulations and cognitive processes, by means of which we can determine the motivational basis of such phenomena, suggests that we may be dealing with one and the same phenomenon. The function of this phenomenon, which can be classified into a wider structural model of the environment, is the categorisation of environment. We can refute the simplification of the over-complex environment as well as the reduction of human anxiousness. Indeed, by means of Piaget's model it is possible to prove the opposite, that is, that anxiety is caused by such phenomena. Social reality, social concepts and social constructionsm could, therefore, be three different aspects of one and the same phenomenon. | |