Author/Editor | Kopač, J | |
Title | Vpliv kvalitete ob prometni nesreči zabeleženih podatkov na kasnejšo analizo dogodka | |
Translated title | The influence of quality of traffic accident records on later analysis | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Med Razgl | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 32, št. Suppl 4 | |
Publication year | 1993 | |
Volume | str. 101-4 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | Our experience in analyzing various elements constituting road accidents indicates, that careless reports on the event and poor records of traces left by the vehicle on the roadway often hinder, or even prevent accurate reconstruction of the actual course of events. The author stresses some details that should be recorded by the police officer or the inspector examining the scene of the accident. Although a layman may think that vehicles with technically advanced ABS braking system leave no traces, a systematic inspection of the site of the accident makes it possible to determine the lenght of braking track on the roadway. | |