Author/Editor     Korošec, D; Zazula, D; Šoštarič, A; Korže, D
Title     Posredna analiza bioelektričnih signalov
Translated title     Off-line analysis of bioelectrical signals
Type     članek
Source     In: Solina F, Zajc B, eds. Računalništvo in informatika, umetna inteligenca, razpoznavanje vzorcev, biomedicinska tehnika, robotika. 2. elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK'93: zbornik. Zvezek B. Ljubljana: Slovenska sekcija IEEE,
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 363-5
Language     slo
Abstract     As a part of an on-line computer-aided system for analysis of the exercise electrocardiograms we developed additional software for off-line analysis of bioelectrical signals. The software requires only a PC-based computer with VGA graphic card and a mouse. The program represents a measuring tool for those who work with a computer recorded electrocardiographic signals. Some basic manipulations as viewing, zooming and browsing signals as well as measuring time intervals, signal amplitudes and slopes are possible. Diagnostic parameters specific for electrocardiogram (like R wave amplitude, J depression, ST slope and integral) can be calculated on a user selected part of the signal. Filter operation with some low pass digital filters with integer values and spectral analysis can also be performed on a selected area of the signal. Usefull features of the program are also realtime playback of the recorded signal and quick browse through the results of the on-line analysis.