Author/Editor     Ihan, A
Title     Vloga specifičnih in nespecifičnih imunskih mehanizmov pri obrambi pred tumorji
Translated title     The role of specific and non-specific immune mechanisms in defence against tumors
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. 3
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 361-9
Language     slo
Abstract     In the article are described some key mechanisms, used by an immune system to distinguish a tumor cell from a normal, healthy cell. According to bulk of the literature in the past decades, T lymphocytes are able to specifically recognise tumor cells, but the specific recognition of tumor cells does not result in rejection of a tumor tissue. Some proposed mechanisms, that would make an immune system tolerant to a tumor, are desribed. Accordingly to them, there is a possibility of some new therapeutic approaches, that would mobilise an immune system for an anti-tumor defence. Also natural killer cells and macrophages are able to distinguish tumor cells from normal, healthy cells and are also able to directly kill tumor cells. The nature of immune recognition by natural killer cells and macrophages is not known yet, becuase these cells do not express receptors for specific antigen recognition. Natural killer cells seem to be of a particular importance for a defence of an organism against tumors. The role of macrophages is less defined, because they are able to recognise and kill tumor cells, but on the other hand they are also able to promote tumor cells proliferation and the expansion of the tumor.
Summary     V članku so opisani nekateri ključni mehanizmi, ki omogočajo imunskemu sistemu razločevanje med tumorskimi in zdravimi celicami. Rezultati mnogih raziskav kažejo, da limfociti T prepoznajo tumorske celice, vendar temu ne sledi ubijanje tumorskih celic. Opisane hipoteze skušajo pojasniti mehanizme tumorske tolerance. Tudi naravne celice ubijalke in makrofagi so zmožni razločevati med tumorskimi in zdravimi celicami. Način, kako prepoznajo tumorske celice, je zaenkrat še neznan. Naravne celice ubijalke so verjetno ključne celice, ki v organizmu omogočajo obrambo pred tumorji. Vloga makrofagov v imunobiologiji tumorjev je manj razjasnjena. Po eni strani so zmožni ubijati tumorske celice, po drugi strani pa tudi pospešujejo razmnoževanje le-teh in prispevajo k razraščanju tumorja.
Descriptors     NEOPLASMS