Author/Editor     Vodopivec, B
Title     Morfogeneza ravne sluznice jejunuma pri celiakiji
Type     monografija
Place     Ljubljana
Publisher     Medicinska fakulteta
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 86
Language     slo
Abstract     In our work we investigated the difference in mechanical characteristics between the flat jejunal mucosa in celiac sprue and normal jejunal mucosa with villi. We measured the tension of mucosal tissue specimens with electronic balance and adjusted microscope. Our results are presented in this slope of the linear approximation of the curve of our device downshift in the weight interval from 0.06 g to 0.06 g. The slope reflects elastic tissue properities. The pressures between device and tissue were in the range of pressures normally present in the tissue venules. In our study we included 21 tissue specimens of flat jejunal mucosa in celiac sprue and 30 specimens of jejunal mucosa with normal architecture, fixed in 4 pct. buffered formaldehyde. We also measured the tension of 3 unfixed specimens. Mean value for our group differed statistically significantly (p is less th. 0.0008). We used T-test for the statistical analysis. We find out that the specimens of flat mucosa are harder. There was no injury to the fresh tissue. The results were similar as for fixed specimens, but we needed more cases for definitive estimate. Our measurements were based on relative approximation of Hook law of mechanics. Pathogenic mechanisms for the developement and persistence of mucosal damage in proximal jejunum isn't clearly explained yet. Jejunal mucosal flattening with crypt hyperplasia and villous atrophy isn't specific for celiac disease. This rise the question of common nonspecific mechanism. We explain the greater tissue tension of the flat jejunal Abstract truncated at 3200 characters.
Descriptors     CELIAC DISEASE