Author/Editor     Valenčič, Vojko
Title     Numerical calculation of electromagnetic fields within biological tissue based on anatomical data
Type     članek
Source     In: Lavrač N, editor. CADAM-95. Zbornik Računalniška analiza medicinskih podatkov; 1995 nov 27-28; Bled. Ljubljana: Inštitut Jožef Štefan,
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 42-56
Language     eng
Abstract     Superposed electric field in biological tissues due to exogenic electric stimulation was numerically calculated by means of finite element (FE) or finite difference (FD) method. The exogenic electric stimulation was applied with external electrodes which elicit homogeneous or nonhomogeneous electric field. A three-dimensional (FD) model of biological tissue around sacrum bed sore in human has been studied. Geometry of the model is based on anatomical data. Electric properties of tissues are obtained from the data available in references. The electric field due to externally applied electrical stimulation has been calculated by means of the numerical solution of Laplacean partial differential equation. Non uniform mesh was applied and parallel numerical algorithm was proposed in order to speed up the solution. Non homogeneous and anisotropic electric properties of living tissues were considered. Two three-dimensional (FD) models were analysed with two different sizes of bipolar, external electrodes were compared in order to increase the electric field strength in the target tissue near the sacral wound. In addition (FD) models of above and below knee leg were numerically calculated and analysed. Human head (FE) model - solution of numerical canonical problem near antenna of mobile telephone has been also analysed. The proposed large-scale three-dimensional models was found to be an effective tool for analysis of electrical field distribution inside biological tissues. In order to compare callculated results the electromagnetic field intended for various purposes typically used. Abstract truncated at 3200 characters.