Author/Editor     Požar-Lukanovič, Neva
Title     Anestezija pri presaditvi jeter
Translated title     Anaesthesia for liver transplantation
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 65, št. 4-5
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 243-5
Language     slo
Abstract     Liver transplantation is one of the most demanding procedures in medicine. Anaesthesist is the one who maintaines vital functions and helps patient to overcome dangerous periods during the procedure. Patients, candidates for liver transplantation, are in the state of terminal liver failure that implies changes in all vital systems. Operative risk for this patients is very high. Specific pathophysiological changes determine the thre phases of the procedure: praeanhepatic, anhepatic and reperfusion phase. The main duties of anesthesiologist are to replace massive blood loss, control haemodynamic, electrolyte and acydobase disturbances, coagulation and glucose level in blood. Success of the procedure highly depends on cooperation between all that care for the patient.
Summary     Presaditev jeter velja za enega najzahtevnejših posegov v medicini. Anesteziolog med posegom vzdržuje bolnikove življenjske funkcije in mu pomaga premostiti nevarna obdobja. Bolniki, kandidati za presaditev jeter, imajo zaradi končne jetrne odpovedi prizadete vse organske sisteme. Operativno tveganje je tudi pri najmanjših posegih zelo visoko. Glede na značilne patofiziološke spremembe razdelimo poseg na tri obdobja: preanhepatalno, anhepatalno in reperfuzijsko. Anesteziolog nadomešča masivno izgubo krvi, uravna motnje v delovanju obtočil, stanje strjevanja krvi, elektrolitsko in acidobazno ravnotežje in raven glukoze v krvi. Uspeh posega je v veliki meri odvisen od sodelovanja vseh udeležencev.
Descriptors     ANETSHESIA