Avtor/Urednik     Hojnik-Zupanc, I
Naslov     Star človek in družina
Prevedeni naslov     The elderly person and the family
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Pentek M, editor. Zdravo staranje. 1. nacionalna konferenca o promociji zdravja v Sloveniji; 1995 mar 29-30; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Gerontološko društvo Slovenije,
Leto izdaje     1995
Obseg     str. 87-98
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The family is an important item in a life of an elderly person. It gives him primary security. Many researches in the world and in Slovenia have confirmed this thesis. The family gives the elderly person instrumental as well as emotional help, even if the first is bound more to the moral responsibility of the children, and the second to a higher quality of transgenerational relationships. The differences in assistance to the older family members exist also by gender: daughters help considerably more then the sons. The patterns of family life are changing, which also influences the willingness of the younger generation to help the older family members. The number of children in the family is decreasing, the empty nest syndrome occurs earlier, the time period spent by an older person in individual households or with o partner is increasing, and the number of individual households and single parent families is increasing. Research in Sweden, Denmark, and Finland shows, that an increasing number of young as well as elderly persons support formal help at home. On the other hand, the state expects more organised initiatives from civilian Society. The state cannot discontinue its role in the organised system of help at home, but must promote and coordinate various suppliers and organisers of home services.
Deskriptorji     FAMILY