Author/Editor     Pegan, Vladislav; Škapin, Stojan; Gorenšek, Milan
Title     Laparoskopska resekcija cekuma
Translated title     Laparoscopic coecal resection
Type     članek
Source     Endoskopska revija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 1, št. 1
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 27-31
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: laparoscopis surgery of the colon is still in the experimental phase. All objections regarding the advantages of laparoscopic surgery of the colon are insignificant in the evaluation of laparoscopic coecal resection. Patients and methods: The laparoscopic coecal resection was performed in three patients. Two of them have had a coecal adenoma, in the third patient an appendiceal carcionoid tumor was found. The resection and closure of the coecal stump was accomplished with endo stapler - cutter device. Results: Laparoscopic coecal resection is a relatively simple and safe procedure. All patients after surgery recovered quickly and returned to normal life within 10-14 days. Conclusions: Laparoscopic coecal resection is a method of choice in patients with endoscopicaly unresectable adenomas of the coecum. The advantages of laparascopic technique are obvious and fully implemented.
Descriptors     CECAL NEOPLASMS