Avtor/Urednik     Pegan-Fabjan, M
Naslov     Zmožnost in sposobnost vodilnega managementa v Zdravstvenem domu za izvajanje stimulativnega nagrajevanja
Prevedeni naslov     Capability and ability of Health centre leading managmenet for the implementing of incentive rewarding
Tip     članek
Vir     Bilt Ekon Org Inf Zdrav
Vol. in št.     Letnik 12, št. Suppl 2
Leto izdaje     1996
Obseg     str. 49-57
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     In the future human capabilities will be the main competitive factor, which the management will have to know how to make use of. Motivation is the orientation of people towards certain aims. The motivation for work is important as it helps the man to realize his or her aims and the aims of the organization where he or she is employed. The obility of motivating is the constituent part of the personality which a manager should always be able to apply and can not be acquired only with the education. He should have an inborn feeling of when the need for motivating esists and what tools he should apply. A series of theories explains the motivation: oldest theory, X theory, Y theory, Z theory, Maslow's motivation theory, Leavitt's motivation theory, Hherzberg's bifactorid theory, problem-motivation theory and Fromm's motivation theory. Working efficiency can be rewarded on the base of Collective Agreement for the activities of health and social care (Off. Gaz. RS No 15, from 18,3 1994), of Collective Agreement for physicians and dentists (Off. Gaz. No 14, from 11.3.1994) and of the Law on wage relations in public institutes, state agencies and bodies of local communities from 23.4.1994. The ascertaining of working efficiency is an important part of management. it means one of the last phases in the evaluation of aims and their setting up is therefore very important. Further essential component is the defining of the results which must be attained by institution, working team and worker. The criteria for the follow-up of results in health services are specific, therefore the assessment is more adequate for their follow-up. Subjective assessment is nearly equal to objective measuring, only the error is bigger at assessing than at measuring. There are some errors at assessment which can be alleviated if we are oware of them: halo effect, error of adapting to a concrete pattern, constant error or personal equation, logic error. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).