Author/Editor     Umek-Venturini, A; Lenarčič, J
Title     Experimental analysis of elevation of human arm in frontal plane
Type     članek
Source     In: Žlajpah L, editor. Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria region (RAA '94) as part of the central European initiative; 1994 Jul 7-9; Bled. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan institute,
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 225-8
Language     eng
Abstract     Detailed model of the elevation of the human arm is developed. The model is based on the measurements with one CCD camera connected to a PC computer that processes the images. Several mathematical analyses were applied to define the changes of the lengths of the clavicular link and of the upper arm link during the elevation. It was observed that the length of the clavicular link is first decreasing and then it is increasing with a relatively constant gradient. On the contrary, the lenght of the upper arm link is first increasing and then decreasing. The gradient changes at about 100 degree of the arm elevation. A significani parameter in the model is the initial offset of the clavicular rotation.
Descriptors     ARM