Author/Editor     Meidahl-Petersen, P; Pakkenberg, B; Hiwercman, A
Title     The human testis studied using stereological methods
Type     članek
Source     Acta Stereol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 15, št. 2
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 181-5
Language     eng
Abstract     The aim of the present pilot study was estimate the total number of Leydig cells and Sertoli cells and the number weighed mean volume of the Leydig cells in men. During the last years, efficient unbiased and relative fast methods to quantificate cells are developed. A principle based on a systematic uniform sampling scheme, the fractionator and a three dimensional counting probe, the optical disector, was used to estimate the total number of Sertoli and Leydig cells in four men. No assumptions about shape, size or orientation of the cells or shrinkage of the organ are needed, when these methods are used. A new method to characterize the volume and the size distribution of cells, the rotator was used to estimate the men was estimated to 1140 x10 6 (CE (SEM/mean) = 0.14) and x 10 6 (CV (SD/mean) = 0.20) respectively. The mean volume of Leydig cells was estimated to 3099 micro m3 (CV = 0.24).
Descriptors     TESTIS