Author/Editor     Mikuš-Kos, Anica
Title     Nevladne organizacije, prostovoljno delo in promocija zdravja
Translated title     Nongovernmental organizations, voluntary work and health promotion
Type     članek
Source     In: Kraševec-Ravnik E, editor. Varovanje zdravja posebnih družbenih skupin v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Inštitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 25-40
Language     slo
Abstract     The fact that health promotion is viewed as a philosophy and a process involving the whole society and building on active participation of each citizem, places great emphasis on the role of nongovernmental organizations and voluntary groups in the implementation of this project. The functions of nongovernmental and voluntary sectors on the one hand, and of the government and professional services, on the other, are complementary to one another. They play different roles and perform a variety of tasks. The importance of social action aimed at all population groups cannot be overemphasized here. It should aim to call public attention to various health hazards, as well as to mobilize pressure groups and initiate a broad range of ativities for the promotion of healthy lifestyle paterns. Other tasks include supporting and implementing health-enhancing programmes at a local level, specifically tailored for high risk population groups and people with chronic diseases and disabilities. Although nongovernmental and voluntary groups have made remarkabla contributions to health promotion, a stronger partnership and synergistic interaction with governmental and expert groups at the national and local levels would render their approach to health action even more effective. The role of self-help groups is presented more extensively, and the relationship of nongovernmental adn voluntary groups with professional services is analysed. In the area of health promotion, community-based nongovernmental bodies have many advantages over professional services: in the first place, they are more aware of the pressing needs of the population, and show greater flexibility in meting these needs. On the other hand, certain problems and drawbacks characteristic of their work, sometimes jeopardize the quality of services they offer.
Descriptors     HEALTH PROMOTION