Author/Editor     Mikuš-Kos, Anica
Title     Promocija zdravja migrantov in beguncev
Translated title     Health promotion in migrants and refugees
Type     članek
Source     In: Kraševec-Ravnik E, editor. Varovanje zdravja posebnih družbenih skupin v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Inštitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 73-109
Language     slo
Abstract     Migrants and refugees are exposed to very high health and psychosocial risks, and show increased rates of occupational diseases, tuberculosis and psychosocial disorders. They have poor access to appropriate health services and other health-related services provided by various professional bodies. Compared to the native population, they make an ineffective use of the available health services. Health risks encountered in these population groups have their origin in social problems. Clutural and educational factors also have a considerable impact on the health-endangering behaviour and lifestyles of these social groups. Unfavourable psychological and psychosocial factors ar to a great extent responsible for the lowered resistance of these people, as well as for their pasive attitude towards health care, and reluctance to participate actively in the treatment process. Refugees constitute a population group exposed to the greatest number of physical and, above all, mental health risks. The paper presents the health status of immigrants in Europe, and informs about the provision of health for the refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Slovenia. Utmost attentation should be focused on the psychosocial aspects of health of this social group. The policies should be advocated that aim to strengthen their coping skill,s prevent long-term mental disturbances and foster psychosocial development of children adolescents. An important step in the direction of improved health status of migrants and refugees can be taken by raising public awareness, and by acquainting all service providers in health, social and school sectors, and all others concerned with health promotion of these groups, about the leading health and psychosocial problems of these vulnerable groups. A broad range of social and legal measures shoud be taken in order to provide the foundation for the promotion of health of these socially disadvantaged groups.(abstract truncated) at 2000 characters.
Descriptors     HEALTH PROMOTION