Author/Editor     Hočevar-Kozamernik, I; Metelko, F; Potočnik, M
Title     Postavitev nacionalnega sistema za pridobivanje in razporejanje organov umrlih dajalcev za transplantacijo
Translated title     Establishing national system for acquiring and disposing of deceased donors organs for transplantation
Type     članek
Source     Bilt Ekon Org Inf Zdrav
Vol. and No.     Letnik 12, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 33-41
Language     slo
Abstract     Treatment with transplantation of orgns and tissues presents one of the greatest achievements of modern medicine. Besides extensive knowledge from the domain of medicine, professional qualification of experts and conditions for a successful work, an adequately organized collaboration of various medical fields is also necessary. Eurotransplant and national organizations coordinate this work in the countries, where such treatments are already regular. Legislation regulating this expremely sensitive domain and a settled financing system are the prerequisite for undisturbed functioning of this complicated system. Demanding medical work, proposition for organization and problematics of financing are presented in the project. The necessity of the arrangement and coordination on all these domains is stressed. Only in this way will the Slovenian experts be able to use their knowledge on behalf of patients for who such treatment is of vital importance and also on behalf of other patients who could on the base of economicly more favourable way of treatment use a slightly bigger share of health financial means. Authors want to improve the understanding of the presented problematics so that it could be solved like in other countries with shich Slovenia tends to compare and collaborate.