Author/Editor     Potočnik, B
Title     Vodenje projektov na področju zdravstvene informatike po metodologiji PRINCE
Translated title     Project managment on health care informatics area by PRINCE methodology
Type     članek
Source     In: Premik M, editor. MI 96. Zbornik prispevkov s kongresa Društva za medicinsko informatiko Slovenije; 1996 Sep 22-25; Bled. Ljubljana: Društvo za medicinsko informatiko Slovenije,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 61-4
Language     slo
Abstract     The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia had implemented standard methodology for project management for the health care informatics area in January 1995. They chose British methodology PRINCE. This methodology includes standards ISO 9000. It is also used in EU. In Slovenian health care informatics area it is used only in the Institute of public health of the Republic of Slovenia. The institute is offering its knowledge of PRINCE project management area to all interested in health care area. The Governmental Centre for Informatics is implementing this methodology since the beginning of the year 1996.