Author/Editor     Albreht, T; Paulin, M; Gaspari, I
Title     Preoblikovanje baze podatkov izvajalcev zdravstvene dejavnosti
Translated title     Transformation of the health care service provider database
Type     članek
Source     In: Premik M, editor. MI 96. Zbornik prispevkov s kongresa Društva za medicinsko informatiko; 1996 Sep 22-25; Bled. Ljubljana: Društvo za medicinsko informatiko Slovenije,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 65-70
Language     slo
Abstract     The following article introduces the reasons because of which the decision about the transformation of Health care providers' database (which had been developed between 1988 and 1992) was taken. The aforementioned database is the basic database about the organisational units and the employed in health care at the national level. With the changes described should bring about its better functionality and increase the quality of data which had been, due to the existing ways of gathering of data, very difficult to assure. The main advantages are: a uniform organisational structure of individual types of health care institutions (to achieve a better comparability), data assurance down to the level of services for the needs of the national level (for lower levels the existing system will supplement the new one) and establishment of a uniform coding of services, medical specialties and special skills.
Descriptors     MEDICAL RECORDS