Author/Editor     Marčun, T
Title     Arhitektura odjemalec/strežnik za velike sisteme
Translated title     Client-server architecture for mainframe systems
Type     članek
Source     In: Premik M, editor. MI 96. Zbornik prispevkov s kongresa Društva za medicinsko informatiko; 1996 Sep 22-25; Bled. Ljubljana: Društvo za medicinsko informatiko Slovenije,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 89-94
Language     slo
Abstract     'Client/Server' is not a new term in the world of information processing. In last years many Slovene commercial enterprises, and other institutions, have been making plans to develop and build Clint/Sever based information systems. Sowever, most of the systems implemented by now are on LANs, not many of those planned for mainframe computers have been realised. Within ZZZS (Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia) we are building a big integrated Clinent/Server mainframe based information system riht now, with several major business applications being in production already. In this paper the author will outline the activities that need to be undertaken in order to be able to succesfully implement, and manage, such a system. At the same time he will call your attention to problems arising during such an undertaking, and to solutions available (here and now).
Descriptors     INSURANCE, HEALTH