Author/Editor     Brecelj, J
Title     Ultrasound measurements of cartilage thickness of femoral condyles
Type     članek
Source     In: Miklavčič D, Bajd T, Stanič U, editors. Proceedings of the 9th international conference on mechanics in medicine and biology; 1996 Jun 30-Jul 4; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovenian society of medical and biological engineering,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 253-6
Language     eng
Abstract     By this comparative study the cartilage thickness measurement accuracy is evaluated by estimation of the dependence of ultrasound measurement on optical measurement of the cartilage on femoral condyles. A statistical analysis was made on the results of the ultrasound and optical measurements of 22 fresh cadaver knees. A 7.5 MHz linear probe of real time sector US machine was used.
Descriptors     KNEE JOINT