Avtor/Urednik     van Cauwenberge, P
Naslov     Modern treatment of nasal allergy in children
Prevedeni naslov     Sodobno zdravljenje nosne alergije v otroški dobi
Tip     članek
Vir     Slov Pediatr
Vol. in št.     Letnik 3, št. 1-3
Leto izdaje     1996
Obseg     str. 168-9
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The author wishes to stress some practical details in the treatment of allergic rhinitis in children. Prophylactic measures are emphasized. The contact with possible potent allergens shoud be avoided in children with atopic predisposition. Topical immunotherapy can overcome inconveniences of systemic immunotherapy. The side effects are only local and minimal. Immunotherapy may prevent an evolution from allergic rhinitis to asthma and reduce the use of other antiallergic and symp-tomatic drugs. Another important topical drug is sodium cromoglycate because of its antiallergic effects and safety, but only as preventive treatment. The second generation of nonsedating antagonistis of H1 peripheral receptors is very effective and safe. Topical nasal steroids are indicated in children with pronounced nasal obstruction. There are no reports about possible systemic side effects. The treatment of allergic rhinitis in childhood should be as little aggressive as possible.
Deskriptorji     HAY FEVER