Author/Editor     Zorn, Alojz
Title     Operativno zdravljenje holesteatoma na otorinolaringološkem oddelku Splošne bolnišnice Izola - lastne izkušnje
Translated title     Medical treatment of the cholesteatoma of the middle ear on the otorhinolarangology ward of the Izola general hospital - our experience
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 35, št. Suppl 6
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 51-3
Language     slo
Abstract     In the last ten years (1986-1996) at the Otorhinolaringology ward of the Izola general hospital, we have operated on 22 patyients with middle ear cholesteatoma. Cholesteatoma was removed with only one operation in 9 patients. Two opeations were performed on 8 patients. We have performed only the first operation on 5 patients and they are awaiting the second one. We performed closed tympanoplasty on 12 patients (54,4 %) and open tympanoplasty on 8 patients (36,3 %). A radical operation was performed in 2 cases (9,5 %). A residual cholesteatoma was found in 4 patients (19 %). Only in two cases (9,5 %) did we attain functional success.
Summary     V 10 letih (od 1986 do 1996) smo na otorinolaringološkem oddelku Splošne bolnišnice Izola operirali 22 bolnikov s holesteatomom srednjega ušesa. Pri 9 bolnikih smo odstranili holesteatom z eno operacijo, pri 8 bolnikih pa smo opravili dve operaciji. V 5 primerih smo opravili le prvo operacijo. Ti bolniki čakajo še na drugo operacijo. Pri 12 bolnikih (54,4 %) smo opravili zaprto timpanoplastiko, pri 8 bolnikih (36,6 %) pa odprto timpanoplastiko. V dveh primerih (9,5 %) smo opravili radikalno operacijo. Pri 4 bolnikih (19 %) smo odkrili zaostali holesteatom. Funkcionalni uspeh operacije smo dosegli samo v dveh primerih (9,5 %).