Avtor/Urednik     Radšel, Zora; Hočevar-Boltežar, Irena; Šmid, Lojze; Žargi, Miha; Fajdiga, Igor
Naslov     Motnje izreke po zdravljenju malignomov ustne votline
Prevedeni naslov     Articulation disorders after the treatment of oral cavity cancer
Tip     članek
Vir     Med Razgl
Vol. in št.     Letnik 35, št. Suppl 6
Leto izdaje     1996
Obseg     str. 195-201
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     After surgical treatment of oral cavity cancer, articulation disorders often appear. In the study, the quality of articulation of vowels in a group of 30 patients who were treated for oral cavity cancer was compared to the articulation of 30 healthy persons. The spectral analysis of the three corner vowels (A, I and U) was performed and the isovocal lines and vocal fields were determined. The function of articulation organs and the articulation of consonants were evaluated as well. In healthy persons, the vocal fields of corner vowels homogenous. In patients, the vocal fields were very dispersed and showed a tendency to centralisation. The articulation of consonants was very disturbed in almost half of the patients. The size and localisation of the tumour, the preservation of teeth and particulary the mobility of the tonque influenced the quality of the articulation of the vowels and the consonants. The authors conclude that speech therapy could improve the quality of articulation in the patients after the surgical treatment of oral cavity cancer.
Izvleček     Po kirurškem zdravljenju raka ustne votline se pogosto pojavijo odkloni v izreki. Avtorji so primerjali kakovost izreke samoglasnikov pri skupini 30 bolnikov, ki so bili zdravljeni zaradi raka ustne votline, z izreko 30 zdravih oseb. Na podlagi spektralne analize (prvega in drugega formanta) treh vogelnih samoglasnikov (A, I in U) so izdelali izovokalne črte ter površino samoglasniških trikotnikov. Pri bolnikih so ocenili gibljivost artikulacijskih organov ter ocenili oblikovanje soglasnikov. Pri zdravih osebah so bili samoglasniški trikotniki vogelnih samoglasnikov bolj homogeni, pri bolnikih pri izrazito razpršeni, z nakazano težnjo k centralizaciji. izreka soglasnikov je bila huje motena pri skoraj polovici bolnikov. Na kakovost izreke samoglasnikov in soglasnikov so vplivali razsežnost tumorja ter njegovo mesto nahajanja, ohranjenost zob in predvsem gibljivost jezika. Avtorji menijo, da bi lhako z logopedskim zdravljenjem ibzoljšali kakovost izreke pri bolnikih po kirurškem zdravljenju raka ustne votline.
Deskriptorji     MOUTH NEOPLASMS