Author/Editor     Simović, Stjepan; Klapan, Ivica; Bumber, Željko; Bura, Miljenko; Branica, Srećko
Title     Fibrous dysplasia in paranasal cavities - three case reports
Translated title     Fibrozna displazija v obnosnih votlinah - prikaz treh primerov
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 35, št. Suppl 6
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 249-52
Language     eng
Abstract     The paper presents three patients with fibrous dysplasia invovling the frontal and ethmoidal sinuses and the maxilla. In our cases, this tumor-like growth of the bone was not restricted to the sinus alone but expanded to the orbit, adjacent sinuses, skull base and infratemporal or pterygoid fossa. In such cases, surgical therapy is the treatmet of choice. Maximal preservation of healthy tissue and avoidance of major devastations that might result in undesirable cosmetic defects is to be attained. The etiology of the disease is stil unknown. However, it should be emphasized that all our patients had suffered an injury to the adjacent bony structures prior to the disease manifestation. That is why we are inclined to believe that trauma might be a factor responsible for the onset of fibrous dysplasia.
Summary     Članek predstavlja tri bolnike s fibrozno displazijo čelne votline, sitkinih celic in zgornje čeljustnice. V naših primerih ta tumorju podobna rašča ni ostala omejena na eno obnosno votlino, ampak se je širila v očesno votlino, okolne obnosne votline, na bazo lobanje in v podtemensko ali pterigoidno kotanjo. V takih primerih je zdravljenje izbora kirurško. Ohraniti želimo kar največ zdravega tkiva, saj bi večje odstanitve lahko povzročile nezaželene estetske okvare. Etiologija bolezni še vedno ni znana. Poudariti je treba, da so vsi naši bolniki, preden se je bolezen pri njih pojavila, utrpeli poškodbo okolnih kosti. Iz tega sklepamo, da bi lahko bila za zprožitev fibrozne displazije odgovorna poškodba.