Author/Editor     Cerar, A; Vodopivec, B
Title     Sydneyska histološka klasifikacija gastritisa
Translated title     The Sydney system of histological classification of gastritis
Type     članek
Source     In: Cerar A, Križman I, editors. Gastritis in z njim povezane bolezni. 27. memorialni sestanek profesorja Janeza Plečnika. Ljubljana: Medicinska fakulteta, Inštitut za patologijo,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 22-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Updated Sydney System of histological classification and grading of gastritis is analysed. It follows the original Sydney system which includes evaluation of topography, histological changes and etiology to make reproducible and clinically useful diagnosis. The Updated System gives guidelines for optimal biopsy sampling of the stomach, and a system of visual analogue scale for grading histologic variables (Helicobacter pylori, activity, chronic inflammation, atrophy, intestinal metaplasia). The difference between atrophic and nonatrophic chronic gastritis and the importance of topography as a help in the prognostic interpretation of gastritis is pointed out.
Descriptors     GASTRITIS