Avtor/Urednik     Kavčič, B; Cerar, A; Tepeš, B; Kralj, E
Naslov     Gastritis povezan s Helicobacter Heilmannii
Prevedeni naslov     Helicobacter Helmanni associated gastritis
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Cerar A, Križman I, editors. Gastritis in z njim povezane bolezni. 27. memorialni sestanek profesorja Janeza Plečnika. Ljubljana: Medicinska fakulteta, Inštitut za patologijo,
Leto izdaje     1996
Obseg     str. 78-83
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Backgraund. The purpose of the present work was to identify the incidence of H. heilmannii infections within unselected series of gastric biopsies, confirm its edentity with immunohistochemical method, determine electron microscopy characteristics of the bacteria and determine clinical properties of H. heilmannii infection and histopathologic changes in gastric mucosa. Material and methods. Of 6283 unselected gastric mucosa biopsies we selected those in which microorganisms with morphologic features of H. heilmannii were present. Standard staining methods and either silver impregnation or modified Giemsa method were used. Immunohistochemical staining method with polyclonal antigen for Helicobacter pylori (DAKO) was performed on 6 samples. Histopathologic changes were semiquantitatively evaluated in accordance with the Sydney classification. In addition, electron microscopy analysis was carried out. An attempt was made to include the available clinical-endoscopic information. Results. Analysis included 14 patients: 11 adults, 3 children. The prevalence of H. heilmannii was 0.19% for adults, 0.53% for children and 0.22% for the entire population. Majority of patients sustained temporal epigastric pain and/or minor dispeptic disturbances. Only three cases, reexamined after the successful eradication of H. pylori, were without particular simptoms. In most cases endoscopic examination discovered gastritis, one patient suffered peptic duodenal ulceration. Four cases evidenced normal mucosa status. In two patients quick urease test was performed, with positive result. H. heilmannii was detected only in biopsy samples of the antral mucosa. Density of bacteria was in most cases (64.3%) mild. Two patients had mixed infection of H. heilmannii and H. pylori. Histological examination revealed chronic gastritis in all specimens of antral mucosa, mostly of moderate intensity (64.3%). Activity was absent in three samples (21.4%), (abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Deskriptorji     GASTRITIS