Author/Editor     Gadžijev, Eldar M; Ravnik, Dean
Title     Funkcionalna kirurška anatomija jeter
Translated title     Functional surgical anatomy of the liver
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 65, št. 10
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 557-62
Language     slo
Abstract     Backgraund. Functional liver anatomy is based on the course of the portal pedicles and the system of liver veins. A thorough knowledge of liver sectors and segments, determined in particular by the portal vein branches, is needed in order to clearly determine the position of pathological lesions and accurately plan liver surgery. Methods. The article describes basic liver segmentation into the functional left and right side, the course of the portal pedicles and liver veins, and their role in the sectorial and segmental division of the liver. Finally, the article describes and outlines the dorsal liver sector, which is a very important but hard to access and independent part of the liver. Conclusions. In addition to a purely anatomic definition, sectors and segments can also be determined by the investigative methods of clinical morphology. These allow a diagnostican with a good knowledge of functional liver anatomy to accurately describe the position of the pathological lesion or injury which enables targeted and safe surgery to the liver.
Descriptors     HEPATIC VEINS