Author/Editor     Mežnar, B
Title     Organizacijska kultura v zdravstvenem zavodu - pomen in vloga organizacijske kulture pri vodenju in upravljanju zdravstvene institucije
Translated title     Organization culture in health institution - Significance and role of organization culture at policy making and managing of a health institution
Type     članek
Source     Bilt Ekon Org Inf Zdrav
Vol. and No.     Letnik 12, št. Suppl 4
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 27-31
Language     slo
Abstract     The role of organization culture in Helath Centre especially from the viewpoint of efficient and successful leadership and management of the institution is presented in the project. Organiyation culture and its integration in various levels from personal, branch and professional, to the national culture is described. The role of suncultures within the institution or enterprise is stressed and the basic types of organization cultures are exposed. Shown are the possiblities of the use of values and main vision of an institution at the development of a strong organization culture of the institution presenting the "soft" part of factors from an effective leadership. The endeavours of the leadership for perfection resp.distinction at providing services and for establishing own quality standards which are the base for a high degree pf wprlers' identification with the institution and a feeling of belonging are discussed, too. On the base of his own experience, theoretical cogniyions and literature, the author ascertains that the majority of leading workers either strategically ponders or forms a strong organization culture, but only few of them are able to coordinate both aspects in an optimal way. Health institution with its staff potential and specificities presents a special environment, which requires a subtle and thoughtful way of leadership and management Director and leading workers of the institution can essentially increase the effect of leading and managing and ensure an effective realiyation of their vision and strategical decisions in a professionally competent and bussines successful management of health institution with the help of a strong organization culture and with a high degree of identification with the institution.
Descriptors     HEALTH SERVICES