Author/Editor     Zakotnik, Branko; Borštnar, Simona; Movrin, Tadeja; Jančar, Breda; Zidar, Andreja
Title     Differential diagnosis between bone metastases and osteomalacia
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 30, št. 3
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 214-7
Language     eng
Abstract     In oncology the diagnosis of skeletal metastases is a frequent one, in infact so frequent that other diagnoses such as metabolic bone diseases affecting patients with cancer may be overlooked. In our report two cases of osteomalacia referred to an oncologist are presented; in both of them the diagnosis of diffuse bone metastases of unknown origin was suspected. The differential diagnosis is discussed and the importance of bone marrow biopsy using Yamshidi needle for diagnosis of metabolic bone disease is emphasized.
Descriptors     BONE NEOPLASMS